Energize Wind River
We have helped launch the Energize Wind River project to benefit tribal residents of the Wind River Reservation.
Current Accomplishments Future Goals
Contributing research, consultation and grant writing
services to the Eastern Shoshone Housing Authority our nonprofit helped with their submissions to both competitive rounds for a Department of Interior residential solar grant. We feel excited and confident that the hard work will ultimately be rewarded with proposal acceptance & grant funding.
In collaboration with interested tribal organizations we intend to continue to identify and assist with federal applications for grants offering energy efficiency and electrification opportunities for the benefit of tribal residents.
ESHA has been awarded a $1 million planning grant for the residential solar project. These funds will ensure appropriate preparation has occurred prior to project implementation. We look forward to consulting with the Department of Interior technical assistance team and fully embrace the opportunity this project represents.
Below you can view a promotional video and the slide-show that was part of our town hall style presentation.
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